Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sweet pre-xmas ride man! headed up to ATT with joe and set out for a nice ride. Hit the climb and wasn't feeling that great but set a easy but consistent pace. We paused at the first turn out then kept going to the top of Eco challenge and ripped it up on the decent :)

Saw Steve on the trail but we were gonna go back up and do eco challenge 2X so we kept on riding by and def was feeling smooth. We hit the road and climbed back up to the top and headed back down!

We stopped where Steve was building and watched him rock it out!!!

From ATT-122008

Sickness :) we rocked out the last section of trail and I finally hit the road GAP!!! why I thought that was a hard stunt who knows as I did it wicked smooth :)

I really like this trail but worry what will happen when the land managment issues really come to the forefront :( but for now I'll keep enjoying it and try to stay off the top section

Route:--Elev. Avg:1651 ft
Location:Alpine, CAElev. Gain:-26 ft
Date:12/21/08Up/Downhill: [+2293/-2319]
Time:01:48 PMDifficulty:4.2 / 5.0
Weather:A Few Clouds
 61 F temp; 47% humidity
 61 F heat index; winds W 9

Distance: 12.09 miles
Speed:4.7 mph
Pace:12' 46 /miHeart Rate:161 bpm (Avg)
Calories:729187 bpm (Peak)
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)

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