Thursday, October 16, 2008

Last Lap!

Up again and this time its my last lap. Its got to me well below frezzing outside.... I'm hungry but its too late to eat more.
my cold weather gear is soaked. So I go out in longsleeve jersey, jacket, knee warmers, but no good foot warmth... just bike socks.
I hit the trail in the dark, wondering WTF when is the sun going to come up. I hit the climb and I'm cranking along but not very fast.
As I get toward the top I start to realized I don't really need my lights anymore :) The is peaking up over the snow capped La Sals and
I'm very happy about this!!!! I hit the top of the main climb after running up lots of stuff but not as much as I did at night.
I'm rockin the downhill sections and for a moment before it heads up hill again I'm enjoying this lap. I hit the top fireroad and start to crank.
HOLY SHIT! that wind is cold once you get up to 20MPH! I'm backing off on speed to try and not freezer my ass off... I stop to put on booties but
its is so cold they won't stretch, I eat a bannana and keep going. I hit the base of the 2nd climb and start getting in a groove but my left pedal is
making some serious noises.... I hit the top and run up the sand section, I try and clip back in but my pedal won't rotate.... FUCK its seized...
I rotate enough to get my foot in and force it to rotate... Hey what the hell I'll make it harder on myself :) then my foot pops out.. I look down yup... The
force of the seized bearing backed my pedal right out of the crank... nwo what do I do. I pull over and stop I get the pedal off my shoe, bust out the multi-tool and
loosen up the end nut that compresses the bearing to get the pedal to spin, I crank that sucker back on to the crank arm and I'm off.... great I just lost a few mins....
I rip the fireroad passing a few more people that had passed me when I was stopped. I finish strong! and happy to be done!

Distance: 14.91 Miles | Climbing Dist: 7.85 mi. |Climb Elevation: 1,360 ft. | Avg Grade: 3%

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