Thursday, October 16, 2008

Slick Rock

The next day we woke up and headed out to the famed Slick Rock Trail. I was pumped! the weather was great (70F sunny) the wind was picking up but ok in the lower protected canyons.

We hit the trail and right away I was amazed at the traction this rock had... You could ride on a 30deg off camber section no issues, go up something you normally wouldn't even try and walk up...

It was fast and it was anaerobic! Steeeeep ups, flowy fast downs, up, down, up, down, up, down.... Derek showed us why training in Lynn Woods had big advantages. He was a power monster! I swear he cleaned every climb!

We headed out the long route and past Shrimp Rock with sick views of the Colorado river snaking thru the canyons.

We then turned east and over to the main ridge that looked down on Moab. We did a little extra credit to go out to Panorama view point. At that point the wind was crazy! had to be blowing 30Mph+ and on some of the exposed steep climbs it was hard to keep on line.
At one point the wind almost blew Jp right off the rock and into a pretty deep bryer thach.... We got off the ridge and back down into the Cyn and lots more ups and downs all the way back to the car :)

WOW! what a ride! someday I'll get back there and do more of that as it was amazing! crazy stats for a pre-race warm up :)

10.5 miles
2356 calories
avg HR 147
Max HR 187

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