Saturday, April 12, 2008

2nd ride of the day was a lill longer then expected. But I felt stronger on the 2nd ride then the 1st.

lill more distance but not as much climbing. felt realy strong on those quick steep climbs! cranked it up on the flats and thru the waterfall.

Hit the powerlines climb and felt good, didn't give 100% but ~85% and felt really good at the top. then went and hit the tunnels and my tech skills felt on, hit a rhythm and was cruising. Pushed up the climb out of the tunnels and was rolling.

Almost ate it on the cobbles decent on one of those big ruts but that is me being over confident. flowed thru the waterfall section, and back thru the canyon. Felt really good and fast on the fireroads coming out of the canyon. over wagon wheel and I felt really good up the steep short climb there.

Then it was up lopez and I was cooking might not have been my fastest as I was still at 85%-90% but felt good.

Water was perfect ~30oz, was a lill hungery at end but was tasting the pasta sauce from lunch on the climb (note to self less garlic on sauce used between laps).

Lungs feel tired, deep breaths ,hurt a bit a sign that I am my diaphragm and lungs are tired. But I felt good.

Route:pqc to tunnelsElev. Avg:232 ft
Location:La Jol, CAElev. Gain:-26 ft
Date:04/12/08Up/Downhill: [+1233/-1259]
Time:05:49 PMDifficulty:3.9 / 5.0
 80 F temp; 11% humidity
 75 F heat index; winds NW 13

Distance: 15.29 miles
Speed:8.8 mph
Pace:6' 49 /miHeart Rate:148 bpm (Avg)
Calories:743182 bpm (Peak)
La Jolla, California
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)

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