Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Was a bit tired "sleepy" when we started, but I hydrated more today and def ate more (jalepenos).

Straight up that first climb didn't feel that hot HR was hi... but its a bad warm up anyway.

Felt good on the ensuing slight ups, rocked out on the decent, and cleared the climb up to the 52 INCLUDING BITCH CLIMB that was a first!

Almost made it thru the top section but dabbed as I took a line too far right. felt good on the ups and downs and down E-ticket and thru the lower section.

ALMOST cleared S-turns! took one bad line dabbed and kept going! was getting tired but powered up the fire road climb (started to feel a little lower back strain) but then straight up Extra credit climb...

Almost made it dambed then ran 20 feet thru the loose stuff then powered out on the decent/fireroad cleared the up and down and back to the car.

Felt a bit slow, Jeff kept up with me well. I don't think I was riding slow though as my time is way faster then previous weeks!

Route:52 loop w/ xtra hillElev. Avg:674 ft
Location:La Mesa, CAElev. Gain:+7 ft
Date:04/09/08Up/Downhill: [+1437/-1430]
Time:06:00 PMDifficulty:3.8 / 5.0
 57 F temp; 52% humidity
 57 F heat index; winds W 7

Distance: 7.35 miles
Speed:6.1 mph
Pace:9' 50 /miHeart Rate:155 bpm (Avg)
Calories:983191 bpm (Peak)
La Mesa, California
Elevation (ft)

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