Tuesday, April 29, 2008

After coming back from my 3rd lap I ate a HUGE bowl of cereal and drank about 2 liters of water/Gatorade. I ate 2 potatoes and went to bed ~3:45am. I was woken up at ~5:45am by Jeff he wasn't feeling so hot still and it was my turn to ride. I was TIRED! legs felt good, it kinda hurt to take a deep breath like my lungs or diaphragm was tired.

But the main problem was I had a fog around my head, I was sleepy. I was kicking around the campsite trying to get my shit together but I was a mess. Jeff thank fully helped me out and got me on my way!

I hit the trail and by this time I had woken up a bit and felt surprisingly good. I hit the climb and spun it out not as fast as my first 2 laps but faster than my night lap. I thrashed the descents, I felt good. My legs weren't totally fresh as I ran up a couple of the short steeps but I felt confident on the descents. I finished uber strong and had a very enjoyable lap!

I was hungry for this whole lap! I def didn't eat enough but with my stomach still not 100% after my 2nd lap I forced myself to eat what little I did!

That was it! After Chris turned in a sick lap and Joe rocked out his lap it was up to our ringer Tony to go out for his 5th lap! if he went out then it basically ment we would win our division! and We did!!!!!

We hopped up on the Podium

and won sick Yakima bike Trays!

Route:24hr at vail lakeElev. Avg:1707 ft
Location:Aguanga, CAElev. Gain:+23 ft
Date:04/26/08Up/Downhill: [+1358/-1335]
Time:06:45 AMDifficulty:4.1 / 5.0

Distance: 10.60 miles
Speed:8.2 mph
Pace:7' 19 /miHeart Rate:159 bpm (Avg)
Calories:1127175 bpm (Peak)
Aguanga, California
Elevation (ft)

Posted from bimactive.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats to all of the Beantown Boneheads!! Awesome job & a well deserved win!:-D